I have good news – the decks have left the factory and are on the boat!
I got word from the printer yesterday: “Your core game leaves Port tomorrow and is due to you within 4-5 weeks.” The deck is en route!
I am so excited, and so relieved too. I never thought it would take this long. There have been delays, and mistakes, but all parties have worked hard to fix them quickly. When it fell to me to make decisions in the name of quality over speed or cost, I felt this product required quality. I have shared the production samples with business and industry contacts, and all have admired the quality and feel — and I know you will love the result.
Still, it is a relief to know that the time you hold Business Class Tarot in your hands is now in sight.
To research shipping, one needs to know what to ship — so some recent activity in the office was pretty brutal, and one deck has taken the brunt of throws and kicks and 6-foot drops.

Our Kickstarter medium Woven Psyche has one production deck for her own study, while I guard the other in case we need pictures before they arrive. If you are around Washington DC, I will be at AwesomeCon on Friday and Saturday, April 26-27 2019, and at Kensington Day of the Book in Kensington, MD on Sunday April 28, 2019. I will be signing The Demon in Business Class and promoting Business Class Tarot! Best, Anthony